noise-temperature ratio 噪声温度比 ; 噪温比 noise equivalent temperature 噪声等效温度 ; 释义噪声等效温度 NET Noise Equivalent Temperature 噪声等效温度 ..
gain-to-noise temperature ratio 接收性能指数
ntr noise temperature ratio 噪声温度比
gain to noise temperature ratio 增益同噪声温度比
carrier to noise temperature ratio 载波噪声温度比
Method Adaptive canceling methods were used to reduce the noise of temperature signal gained, and enhance signal to noise ratio.
The utility model has the characteristics of light weight, small dielectric gain loss, low dielectric thermal noise temperature, small input voltage standing wave ratio, etc.
The system provides two major functions including measuring noise temperature of low noise devices and calibrating the Excess noise Ratio (ENR) of solid-state noise sources.