提名名单于当地时间周三晚在洛杉矶诺基亚俱乐部(Nokia Club)通过一小时特别节目予以揭晓。当晚的音乐会还邀请了部分获提名者如布鲁诺·马斯、凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)、贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bie...
They complained, and since Nokia mainly sells its handsets to operators, rather than directly to consumers, Club Nokia was duly scaled back.
Lady Gaga and Jason Aldean will both perform during the one-hour live broadcast from L.A. 's Club Nokia.
Lady Gaga和Jason Aldean都将在洛杉矶的诺基亚中心为时长一小时的直播节目进行现场演出。
Lady Gaga and Jason Aldean will both perform during the one-hour live broadcastfrom L.A.’s Club Nokia.
Lady Gaga和Jason Aldean都将在洛杉矶的诺基亚中心为时长一小时的直播节目进行现场演出。