... 207、Next friend——诉讼代理人、起诉监护人 208、Nolle prosequi——原告撤回起诉 209、Nolo contendere——无罪申诉、放弃辩护、放弃抗辩 ...
... 提起诉讼, 起诉 production of suit 撤回起诉 nolle prosequi; withdraw prosecution 不起诉的 non-indictable ...
... 要求赔偿之诉讼, 可据以提起诉讼的书面契约 assumpsit 撤回诉讼, 不起诉 nolle prosequi 诉讼费用, 起诉费 expense in litigation ...
同义词: nol pros
同义词: nolle pros nol. pros.
以上来源于: WordNet
N an entry made on the court record when the plaintiff in a civil suit or prosecutor in a criminal prosecution undertakes not to continue the action or prosecution 原告撤回起诉 [法律] → compare non prosequitur
The second part is the background of researching mechanism of the minor relative nolle prosequi.
An order of nolle prosequi, founded on his well authenticated state of intoxication on the evening of the ambush, had set him at liberty. He had taken to his heels.
The thorough understanding of the nol pros types of Section 2, Item 142 of the current Criminal Law is the difficulty in and key to understanding the system of nolle prosequi.