... nonconservative 癫 force 非守恒力 noncontinuous 汤 不连续的 noncontinuous 汤 surface 不连续表面 ...
noncontinuous surface 不连续表面
noncontinuous velocity function 非连续速度函数
Noncontinuous ventilator 非连续式呼吸器
noncontinuous pd particulates 不连续pd粒子
noncontinuous recording medium 非连续记录介质
noncontinuous enclosure type isolated-phase bus 不连式离相封闭母线
noncontinuous charge 间断装药
同义词: discontinuous
以上来源于: WordNet
Because of the nonlinear and noncontinuous activity of Lotus Domino, we normally would expect to get worse total throughput.
由于Lotus Domino活动是非线性的、间断的,我们获得的总吞吐量很可能比实际小。
The reflection and refraction of traveling wave are quite complicated at the sheath-crossing point of high voltage power cable, due to its remarkably noncontinuous surge impedance.