normalized current [电磁] 归一化电流
Normalized current density coefficient 归一化电流密度系数
normalized drain current [电子] 归一化漏电流
normalized induced current 归一化感应电流
normalized operating current 归一化运行电流
normalized bum-in current 归一化老化电流
normalized burn-in current 归一化老化电流
The current estimated normalized magnetic field direction, corrected for the fields generated by the torque coils.
Normalized Viewport Rectangles are specifically for defining a certain portion of the screen that the current camera view will be drawn upon.
The normalized LMS (NLMS) algorithm is a current algorithm usually used in an adaptive noise canceller.
归一化lms (NLMS)算法是目前自适应噪声对消器中常用的一种算法。