产前检查应该越早越好,怀孕最初的28周( 颈部半透明厚度(nuchal translucency,NT):在中孕及晚孕期,胎儿颈部水囊状探测时切勿将羊膜误作为胎儿皮肤。
nuchal translucency thickness 颈项透明层 ; 胎儿颈项透明膜厚度 ; 超声测量颈项透明层 ; 透明层厚度
Nuchal translucency NT 颈项透明层
Nuchal Translucency & OSCAR 胎儿后颈皮下透明层
Fetal nuchal translucency 胎儿颈项透明层
The Nuchal Translucency 颈部半透明
nuchal translucency measurement 颈半透明度测量
Fetal nuchal translucency thickness 胎儿颈部软组织厚度
nuchal fold translucency 颈后透明带
Objective To find suitable critical value of fetal nuchal translucency (NT) by ultrasonic testing.
Second-trimester sonographic soft markers: what can we learn from the experience of first-trimester nuchal translucency screening?
Methods 67pregnant women with gestational age of 10-14 weeks were measured for nuchal translucency thickness by ultrasonic testing.
方法对67例早期妊娠(孕10 - 14周)病例进行超声检查测量颈项皮肤透明层厚度。