nuclear chemical or biological weapons
... non-lethal weapons, chemical 非致死化学武器 nuclear chemical or biological weapons 核生化武器 working group on chemical weapons 化学武器工作小组 ...
nuclear chemical or biological weapons
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This apparently walks back from a Bush-era declaration that underscored the possibility that the United States might use nuclear weapons if it suffered a chemical or biological attack.
Those on Mr Bush's worry-list have nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, or are trying hard to get them, despite treaty promises not to.
ECONOMIST: America and the bomb
Iraq has also said it will meet a December 8th deadline to declare details of any of its programmes involving chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.
ECONOMIST: George Bush��s call to arms | The
Iraq, though, has repeatedly claimed that the inspectors will not find anything because the country no longer has any programmes to make chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.
ECONOMIST: The war of words begins | The