quadratic model object function 二次型目标函数
Your goal is to build a simple controller that will know which model and function to run, and then return a JSON object as a response that is usable on the far end of the transaction.
您的目标是构建这样一个简单的控制器:它知道应该运行哪个模型和函数,然后返回一个 JSON 对象作为响应,这个响应可用于事务的远端。
The function just extracts the longitude and latitude fields from the coordinate and appends them to a list via Document Object Model (DOM) calls.
该函数将从坐标中提取longitude和latitude字段,并通过调用Document Object Model (DOM)将它们附加到列表中。
One function of the Controller object is to keep the model agnostic with regard to the view technology.