Observation Tower 观景台 ; 了望塔 ; 瞭望塔
forest fire observation tower 森林防火了望塔
ocean observation tower 海洋观测塔
phoenix observation tower 凤凰城观景塔
Murturm Nature Observation Tower 穆尔观景台
Stratosphere Observation Tower 云霄观测塔
marine observation tower 海洋观测塔
The design called for an aircraft work area and shops, television and radar labs, a football stadium with a foldable plastic roof, and an observation tower, among other traditional facilities.
In addition to the Pavilion and the Greenhouse, the exhibition will include a 13 story-tall observation tower.
It includes an observation tower, elevators that descend into the gorge at the base of the American falls, and boat trips into the waters at the base of the Horseshoe falls.