Oedipal complex 伊底帕斯情结 ; 俄狄浦斯情结 ; 伊谛普斯情结
pre-Oedipal 前俄狄浦斯
Oedipal conflict 恋母情结 ; 恋亲冲突
The Oedipal Child 恋母男孩
pre-oedipal female bonding 前俄狄浦斯女性联合
oedipal triangle 俄狄浦斯三角 ; 伊底帕斯三角 ; 师父小龙三角
Oedipal couple 伊底帕斯谵妄 ; 伊底帕斯配偶
Oedipal pair 伊底帕斯配对
Oedipal illusion 伊底帕斯幻觉
Freud developed this is a crude summary, but Freud developed the Oedipal complex—"Mom, I love Mommy."
Did "43" invade Iraq as part of an Oedipal struggle with "41"?
You should generally avoid any scent that brings out a man's Oedipal reflex.
Freud developed-- this is a crude summary, but Freud developed the Oedipal complex, " "Mom, I love Mommy, Dad."
I think it's fair to say that the Electra complex was a sort of add-on to the main interest of Freud's Oedipal complex.
imagining he'd make explicit the Oedipal complex and name his mother.