official price official rate
[ calculate;evaluate ] 对人或事物给以评价 [ official price official rate ] 官方定价 [ (of hospital pharmacy) write down the amount to be paid on the prescription ] 药房给病人的药方计价;各辅助诊疗科在检查...
official price official rate
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Affiliated retailers bought at the official price from affiliated wholesalers, who in turn bought at the official rate from manufacturers.
ECONOMIST: The electronic pill-box
It also managed to narrow the gap between the official exchange rate and the price of the dollar in the free market.
ECONOMIST: Venezuela's economy
Petrol costs less than 5 cents a litre in Venezuela at the official exchange rate, but raising the price is politically sensitive.
ECONOMIST: Venezuela