... on-load disconnecting switch 加载隔离开关 on-load tap changer 加载抽头变换器 on-load voltage and phase regulator 加载电压相位调整器 ...
文章详细信息 关键词: 变压器;;有载分接开关;;缺陷 [gap=170]Keywords: transformation;on-load tap changer(OLTC);defect
...时,它将引发系统一些非线性环节的变化,如可能 导致某些发电机达到无功输出极限或导致某些有载 分接开关(on-load tap changer,OLTC)的变比发生调 整等,故即使前后故障的元件集合完全相同,但当故 障出现的顺序不同时,它们所造成的影响也...
automatic on-load tap changer 带荷自动抽头变换开关
On-load tap changer test 在负载塔兑换商测试 ; 有载调压变压器测试 ; 载分接开关测试
on load tap changer 带载负抽头变换开关
on load tap changer transformer 有载调压变压器 ; 接近目标值
automatic on-load tap-changer 带荷自动切换开关
automatic c on-load tap changer 带荷自动抽头变换开关
Solid on-load tap-changer 固体有载分接开关
position of on-load tap changer 有载分接开关档位
on-load tap-changer of transformer 变压器有载调压开关
What kinds of equipment does an on-load tap changer comprise?
If transported with on-load tap changer, the tap changer compartment shall be connected with main body by U-shaped tube.
凡带有载开关运输的,应将开关油室用 U 形管与本体连通。
Both regulating characteristics of on-load tap changer (OLTC) and load characteristics greatly impact power system voltage stability.