...r resources is well known, is now increasingly severe and serious impact on life in the US 代赔 » On behalf of the lost 遗传算法本质上是一种智能优化方法,直接面向优化问题,与传统的优化方法相比,它具有一系列优点,它的结果是一组好的解而不是单...
The societe generale released last week the "Green Report" prepared by PWC that details how a trader, Jerome Kerviel, lost 4.9 GEUR [1] (over 7 Billion USD) on behalf of the bank where he worked.
法国兴业银行(societe generale)上周公布了由PWC(普华永道)编写的“绿色报告”,该报告详述了经纪人Jerome Kerviel怎样让他效命的银行损失了49亿欧元(超过70亿美元)。