built on solid foundations 在坚实的地基上建造的 on solid ground 在牢固的基础上. 5 that can be depended on; reputable and reliable 牢靠的; 有信誉的; 可靠的 ..
...utral ground n US (strip between lanes of a highway) 美国用法 (高速公路的)中间安全地带 on solid ground 有充分理由,有切实根据 prepare the ground v figurative (make conditions ready) 比喻 奠定基础,做好准备 ..
stand on solid ground 踏踏实实 ; 脚踏实地
I'm back on solid ground 我感到很踏实
be on solid ground 站在稳固的基础上
You are on solid ground 刹那间无人寂寞孤零