Be the first person to raise your hand when your manager needs someone to take the lead on a challenging new project — even if the assignment falls outside the confines of your job description.
They had a very uninspired win against Chelsea, and their last time on the pitch they seemed to barely care as they slid past Norwich 2-0 while in the comfy confines of Old Trafford.
然后是一场对切尔西的毫无亮点的胜利,最近一场在舒适的老特拉福主场对阵诺维奇的比赛他们在2 - 0领先后甚至显得心不在焉。
Most of the hares are dead on arrival, having suffocated or frozen to death in their cardboard confines, but that hasn’t slowed a proliferation of orders.
大部分兔子在运输途中在硬纸箱里窒息或者活活被冻死了。 尽管如此,网络订单仍然纷涌而至。