直流锅炉 concurrent boiler; concurrentboiler; once through boiler; once-through steam boiler; one through boiler; single-pass boiler
once-through boiler 直流锅炉 ; [动力] 直通锅炉 ; [动力] 直流式锅炉 ; 直流
ultra-supercritical once-through boiler 超超临界直流炉
single-reheat type once-through boiler 一次再热式直流锅炉
combined-circulation once-through boiler 循环锅炉
up once-through boiler up型直流锅炉
mw once-through boiler mw直流锅炉
once through boiler unit 直流锅炉机组
once-through boiler set 直流锅炉机组
A mathematical model is set up for calculating the water swell in a supercritical pressure once through boiler during its start up.
Scheme for retrofit of single furnace once through boiler into controlled circulating boiler is introduced, including the scope and results.
This paper introduces the waterwall features and start-up procedure of domestic 600mw supercritical variable pressure operating once through boiler under development.
文中介绍正在研制的国产600 MW超临界变压运行直流锅炉水冷壁结构特点和启动过程。