第一英雄欧鲁曼德传给绿谷的个性“One For All”(我为人人)是一种力量跟副作用都非常大的能力。这个能力表象上是纯粹的强化能力,但真正的特性在于“传承”和“锻炼”。
近日,《英雄联盟》开发商Riot宣布即将新增一种全新的游戏模式“无限死斗(One For All)”( 详情点击>>),双方队伍将由5只相同的英雄组成,并于召唤峡谷等多张地图进行对战。
And One for All 一统江山 ; 一统山河
It's one for all 全心全意
one-for-all 一次性解决
All for one for all 人人为我我为人人
All for One 臣服 ; 人人为我 ; 只为一人 ; 公演
And d One for All 一统江山
One For All Without Hesitation 唱片名
one bill for all 合单结账 ; 合单结帐
for all one is worth 尽力 ; 拼命
以上来源于: WordNet
The experience is often an unhappy one for all concerned.
It's not just an employment issue for women, it's a cultural one for all of us.
They didn't get it. It's only when you build a playground for children with disabilities that you build one for all children.
As histories tell it,he looked and looked at the first photograph, and said: "This is one for all time."
VOA: special.2010.05.31
Why do we just see one for all the p's?
Remember, all you have to do is fill in the one or two-letter abbreviation for the chemical symbol.