... 太阳电池的伏安特性曲线 I-V characteristic curve of solar cell 开路电压 open-circuit voltage 最大功率 maximum power ...
open circuit voltage 开路电压 ; 断路电压 ; 空载电压 ; 电压法
high open circuit voltage 高开路电压
open circuit voltage decay 开路电压衰减
open-circuit voltage at a hydrophone 水听器开路电压
open-circuit voltage VOC 开路电压VOC
The experiments have proved that open-circuit voltage increased about 10%.
参考来源 - 新型MIp~+Set of parameters: the open-circuit voltage (Voc)=0.46V, the short-circuit current (Isc)=0.37mA, the fill factor (FF)=0.56, the efficiency percentage(η) =0.19%.
参考来源 - 纳米TiO·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
A thermocouple is created when two dissimilar materials touch and the contact point produces a small open-circuit voltage as a function of temperature.
An analog maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller integrated circuit (IC) based on open-circuit voltage method was proposed to enhance the photovoltaic conversion efficiency of solar cell.
Open circuit voltage to determine the residual capacity of battery, and then adopt different methods to supplement the Germany sunshine battery charging.