... operating period 操作周期 operating life 工踪命,工作寿命... operating pressure 控制压力,工作电压,...
long operating life 使用寿命长 ; 长寿命
LED'S Operating Life 光源使用寿命 ; 光源工作寿命
LED Operating Life 光源工作寿命
anticipated operating life 预期操作寿命
safety - operating life 安全运行寿命
High temperature operating life 高温操作寿命 ; 高温使用寿命测试
Very long operating life 超长运行时间
Operating Life Span 使用寿命
limited operating life 有限使用寿命
The high-temperature phase change Al-Si-Cu-Mg-Zn alloy in the phase transition temperature,density storage,operating life in areas such as more suitable for solar thermal power generation system of thermal storage materials.
参考来源 - 基于Al·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Once more, you NEED to get used to operating life under pressure.
Practice shows that the effective increase the efficiency of data transmission and network operating life .
And this annealing phenomenon could potentially allow you to get ten more years of operating life and then allow you to re-radiate.
But it was still interesting to watch and to see unfold So, now I had this picture of real-live data of a real-life city operating in front of me.
They die on the operating table, but then they're brought back to life, as we put it.