above-threshold operation method 超阈值运转法
flow operation method 流水作业法
parallel operation method 平行作业法
Closed Circle Operation Method 闭环作业法
Of Operation Method 运作方式
Critical-Operation Method 关键作业法
threshold operation method 超阈值运转法
Economy And Operation Method 经济及运营模式
Warm Operation Method Explained 温馨操作方法解说
As for the operation method of inventory, its socialization and modernization level is comparatively low. Therefore, the modem inventory need to be transformed from a narrowly-oriented warehouse into a large-scaled distribution center.
参考来源 - 现代物流概念下的仓储理论研究The new characterstics of network economy bring a deeply innovation to the present enterprises in the fields of strategic theory,management ideas,operation method,organization structure etc.
参考来源 - 网络经济背景下的企业发展战略研究The operation method was same to the anteriorexperiment.
参考来源 - 明胶酶在大鼠坐骨神经挤压伤后的原位酶谱表达Conclusion: Such operation method produced sufficient mechanic stability and biologic stability in the early and late postoperation stage respectively.
参考来源 - 同种异体韧带移植重建喙锁韧带的手术治疗及护理—《中国医药导报》—2009年第13期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The paper provides the system theory model and its operation method.
It is an effective operation method to treat nonunion of scaphoid bone.
The operation method includes the system organization method and management regulation.