...缸或管道内的情况下,出现相对而言属轻微的增压或减压;"拥有人"(owner) 就油站而言,包括拥有油站的一部份的人;"操作员"(operator) 指将受管制车辆上的汽油..
Laplace operator 拉普拉斯算子 ; 拉普拉斯算符 ; 低量算符
operator overloading 运算符重载 ; 操作符重载 ; 运算元多载 ; 运算符的重载
Systems Operator 系统操作员 ; 体系操作员 ; 系统文明用语作员 ; 系统操纵员
relational operator 关系运算子 ; [计] 关系算子 ; 关系操作符 ; 关系运算符
differential operator 微分算符 ; 微分运算元
Computer Operator 电脑操作员 ; 打字员 ; [计] 计算机操作员 ; 计算机操妆
Sobel operator 索贝尔算子 ; 边沿检测
Binary Operator 二元运算符 ; 二元操作符 ; 二元运算子 ; 二进制算符
momentum operator 动量算符 ; [力] 动量算子 ; 角动量算符
N-COUNT An operator is a person who connects telephone calls at a telephone exchange or in a place such as an office or hotel. 电话接线员
He dialled the operator and put in a call to Rome.
N-COUNT An operator is a person who is employed to operate or control a machine. 操作员
...computer operators.
N-COUNT An operator is a person or a company that runs a business. 经营者 [商业]
...the nation's largest cable TV operator.
N-COUNT If you call someone a smooth or shrewd operator, you mean that they are skilful at achieving what they want, often in a slightly dishonest way. 精明圆滑的人 [非正式]
He is a smooth operator. Don't underestimate him.