... 则t E t E 2 2 0 0 cos cos ) ( 仅保留两项 与入射光同频率的光 光学倍频 (optical frequency doubling) 光学整流 (optical rectification) t E t E 2 cos 2 1 2 1 cos 2 0 0 t E E cos 0 1.
According to physical signification, three metrical methods are introduced: optical communication stimulant method, extremal measure method and frequency doubling modulation method.
In this paper the defects in a new type of high-gain, low-threshold, self-active, self-frequency-doubling NYAB crystal are investigated by optical methods.
Furthermore, in the approximations of the exact phase matching, compared with the ideal case, the frequency-doubling efficiency reduced by multi-optical coatings is not more than 6%.