Orion Molecular Cloud Complex 猎户座分子云团 ; 座分子
Orion Molecular Cloud 2 猎户座分子云
Orion Molecular Cloud 1 猎户座分子云
The spectacular Horsehead Nebula is actually a projection of cold gas and dust extending from the dense Orion Molecular Cloud.
Like the Horsehead, the Flame, and the Orion Nebula itself, M78 is a readily visible part of the large Orion Molecular Cloud complex some 1, 500 light-years distant.
正如马头,火焰,以及猎户星座一样,M 78是大猎户座分子云可见的一部分,约有1500光年的距离。
A deep exposure shows everything from dark nebula to star clusters, all imbedded in an extended patch of gaseous wisps in the greater Orion Molecular Cloud Complex.