55岁的帕克不久前刚刚完成了小说集《其他的色彩》(Other Colors),在演讲中帕慕首先把自己描述为一名文学隐居,帕慕克说:“在我看来,作家就是那种把自己关在屋子的一类人,”“(写作者)和那...
other colors in which 其它颜色在哪
Also what other colors 还有什么别的颜色
But Other Colors 但其他颜色
Other Colors Acceptable 其他颜色也可
Red Or Other Colors 红色或者其他颜色
Use Other Colors Black 用其他颜色
Choose other colors you choose 你选选其他花色
With Other Colors Match 与其它色彩相配
What other colors 还有什么别的颜色
When night falls, red and blue and other colors cast a hazy glow over a city lit up by tens of thousands of neon signs.
As you probably know, primary colors are, theoretically speaking, the basic colors from which all other colors can be made.
His experiments actually did show a lot about the relationships between colors themselves, about how colors change when placed next to other colors, about how they interact with one another.