Crystal arthropathy in other metabolic disorders 其他代谢疾患引起的结晶性关节病
Other specified metabolic disorders 其他特指的代谢紊乱
Other postprocedural endocrine and metabolic disorders 其他操作后内分泌和代谢紊乱
Arthropathies in other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders 其他内分泌、营养和代谢性疾患引起的关节病
An orally available "small molecule" may represent a new class of therapies for diabetes and other metabolic disorders, researchers report.
Mice given the drug became immune to diabetes, heart disease and other metabolic disorders even though they were severely obese or had high cholesterol and extremely high-fat diets.
Subependymal heterotopia (SEH) can occur in isolation or with other neurologic and metabolic disorders.