Opportunity cost 机会成本 Other things constant 其他因素不变 Money,这种观点认为:随着人口的收入水平和生活标准的提高,从而给人回增长设置了一种障碍。
The idea that some shadowy group or other is running things for their own benefit, not that of the ordinary working man, is, after all, the constant solace of the unsuccessful.
Friendship is constant in all other things, save in the office and affairs of love.
Among other things, a depressed person can have body aches, headaches, high blood pressure, fatigue, and feeling of constant tiredness.
此外,一位抑郁症患者会感到身体上的疼痛、头痛、 高血压、乏力和持续的疲惫感。