下课后与Tim的交谈,我知道了,原来Tim的《我们的读本》(Our Reading Book)不知什么原因丢失了,为了确保课上的使用,不影响Tim的学习,Tim的妈妈认真誊写了一份《我们的读本》(Our Reading Book)。
Whether we learn about these differences by reading a book or by living abroad, our goal must be to respect differences among people in order to get along successfully with our global neighbors.
It’s a shame that our education systems so often turn kids off books, but if you’re enjoying reading, then you’re likely to keep doing it, so go and find a book you love!
说起来这令我们感到很羞愧,因为我们的教育系统总是让孩子们逃离书本。 不管怎么样,如果你觉得阅读很有趣,那请你继续吧,好了现在你可以去找本你喜爱的书本了!
Reading that text triggers images stored safely away in my memory, a tiny flip book of our lives together.