[ 第三人称单数 overcasts 现在分词 overcasting 过去式 overcast 过去分词 overcast 比较级 more overcast 最高级 most overcast ]
公布 中文名称:阴天 英文名称:overcast 定义:"中、低云总云量在8/10及以上,阳光很少或不能透过云层 天气-阴天阴天(overcast) :天空中, 低云总云量在8/10及以上,阳光很少或不能
Overcast Weather 阴天 ; 阴云密布
cloudy to overcast 阴转多云 ; 多云转阴 ; 多云到阴天
overcast with showers 阴云笼罩而有骤雨 ; 阴有阵雨 ; 阴天有短时阵雨
ALNSFMZO Overcast Weather 阴云密布 ; 乌云密布 ; 阳云密布
clear to overcast 晴转多云
overcast sky 阴天 ; 全阴天天空 ; 阴暗的天空 ; 灰蒙蒙的天空
overcast day [气象] 阴日
同义词: cloudiness cloud cover
同义词: cloudiness
同义词: overcasting
"Fall weather often overcasts our beaches"
同义词: cloud
"overcast books"
同义词: cloud-covered clouded sunless
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ If it is overcast, or if the sky or the day is overcast, the sky is completely covered with cloud and there is not much light. 阴天的
For three days it was overcast.
The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies.