district overhead expense 地区管理费
actual overhead expense 实际间接费用支出
factory overhead expense variance 制造费用差异
operating overhead expense 非操作费用
overhead expense variance [会计] 间接费用差异
overhead expense standards 间接费用标准
applied factory overhead expense 已分配工厂间接费用
factory overhead expense distribution sheet [会计] 制造费用分配表
trim overhead expense 削减管理费用
It shows there are waste of overhead expense in corporation of oil, and it gives some measure in the last.
This comes at the expense of increased performance overhead.
JIT compilation removed the overhead of interpretation (at the expense of some additional startup cost), but the level of code optimization was mediocre for several reasons.
JIT 消除了解释的负担(以额外的启动成本为代价),但是由于若干原因,代码的优化等级仍然是一般般。