... 核子成对 pairing of nucleons 成对产生 pair-production 制动辐射产生对 pairs, bremsstrahlung-produced ...
electron pair production 电子对生成 ; 电子对产生 ; 电子对形成
internal pair production [高能] 内对产生 ; 内部电子对形成 ; [核] 内电子对产生
pair production coefficient 对产生系数
electron n pair production 电子对生成
pair production 偶生成 ; 电子对产生 ; [电子] 电子偶的产生
electron-positron pair production 电子 ; 正电子对产生
hyperon pair production 超子对产生
f Pair production 电子对产生
quark pair production 夸克对产生
以上来源于: WordNet
N the production of an electron and a positron from a gamma-ray photon in a strong field as that passes close to an atomic nucleus 电子偶的产生
Running a live pair of repositories in production and another live pair in disaster recovery solves the problem of currency, but it brings us back to the replication problem.
These are defined between the first pair of braces in the production, as shown in Listing 16.
如清单 16 中所示,这些变量是在产生式中第一对花括号之间定义的。
During the rest of the iteration, the team will implement the features they signed up for, pair prog - ramming on all production code.