...测试点7力的合成与分解力的合成(composition offorces)力的分解(resolution offorces)平行四边形定则(parallelogram rule)和三角形定则合力与分力的关系求合力的方法分解力的方法力的矢量三角形定则分析力最小的规律能力测试点8描述交变电流的物理量电感...
... parallel connection of condensers 电容器的并联 parallelogram rule 平行四边形定律 parallel-resonance circuit 并联谐振电路 ...
公理3 力的平行四边形法则(parallelogram rule) 作用于物体上某一点的两力,可以合成为一个合力,合 力亦作用于该点上,合力的大小和方向可由这两个力为邻 边所构成的平行四边形...
the parallelogram rule 平行四边行定则
N a rule for finding the resultant of two vectors by constructing a parallelogram with two adjacent sides representing the magnitudes and directions of the vectors, the diagonal through the point of intersection of the vectors representing their resultant 平行四边形定则 [maths]
This model suggests that, when the relation "parallelogram rule" exists between main stem and sub branches, the total volume of branches is minimal.
The paper mainly analyses the cause of crumble, discusses the effective control of the timber crumble and the application of the rule of parallelogram in the process of manufacture.