...相色谱分析理论基础 气-固色谱: 吸附与脱附平衡 气-液色谱: 溶解与挥发平衡 分配系数: 分配比(partition ratio): M S c c K 组分在流动相中的浓度 组分在固定相中的浓度 M M S S M S V c V c m m k R R M R M M R V V t t t t t...
... partition of unity 单位分解 partition ratio 分配比,分配系数;分... extended partition n. 扩展分区 ...
phosphorus partition ratio 磷分配比
equilibrating partition ratio 平衡分配比
partition ratio of dry matter 干物质分配率
partition function ratio 配分函数比
reduced partition function ratio 简化配分函数比
Under the same conditions the partition ratio of concentration of sulphur in slag to that in iron arc much less in desulphurization than that in sulphurization.
The effect to increase the partition ratio of high-magnesium powder in mixed sintering material on output and quality of sinter is analyzed, the measures adopted and result got stated.
Relationships between sulfide capacity or sulfide capacity index and sulfur partition ratio and between phosphate capacity or phosphate capacity index and phosphorus partition ratio were derived.