——半干酒:含糖量大于干酒,似乎已详尽的回答了“什么是酒”这个效果,富裕水平喝葡萄酒,发明了巴氏消毒法(Pasteurisation),从而不时完善质量控制手腕,一定还有它更丰厚、更深入的外延,也就构成了“酒”这一万紫千红,最高为12 g/L或许总糖与总酸的差值按...
巴氏灭菌(Pasteurisation) :巴氏灭菌以杀灭 食品物料中耐热性不高的致病菌、提高食品的食用安全性为主要目的,经巴氏杀菌的食品物料 一般贮藏期较短,通常...
Ultra pasteurisation 超巴氏杀菌
Solar Water Pasteurisation 太阳能水巴氏杀菌
mix pasteurisation 分段巴氏杀菌
pasteurisation flash 巴氏瞬间灭菌法
同义词: pasteurization
以上来源于: WordNet
N the process of heating beverages, such as milk, beer, wine, or cider, or solid foods, such as cheese or crab meat, to destroy harmful or undesirable microorganisms or to limit the rate of fermentation by the application of controlled heat 加热杀菌法
The perfect mixing system for homogenizing, emulsification, blending, heating, tank pasteurisation, cooling etc.
CIP-plants, pasteurisation systems, distribution panels, tube panels, valve manifolds and pigging system are individual units which are offered by our engineering.
还有CIP-和瞬时杀菌设备系统,分配管板,管群架,双座阀阵和顶料装置等单元设备。 工程项目可按照客户的要求设计制作。
The core assumption behind the CDFA's rules, however, is that all dairy products are made from raw milk, thus requiring elaborate processes that involve proper pasteurisation.