patent pending [专利] 专利未决 ; 专利申请中 ; 正在申请专利 ; 专利审理
Patent Pending Steel 专利申请中
patent pending regeneration circuit 未定的再生回路专利
patent-pending active defense technology 监控技能
Us Patent Pending 美国专利正在申请
Includes Patent Pending 包括专利正在申请
Unique Patent Pending Design 独特的专利设计
Pending Patent 申请中专利 ; 未决专利
以上来源于: WordNet
The unique combination of scented, flavorless food sprinkles used in the study is now found in Sensa, the only weight loss system that contains the patent-pending technology.
Ford Motor Company's biomaterial researchers have engineered a patent-pending formula to use renewable soy oil to improve rubber car parts and make them more environmentally friendly.
To support the creation of dynamic Web applications, BEA's Workshop Studio utilizes its patent-pending AppXRay technology, which tracks and validates the state of application artifacts.
为了支持动态web应用程序的创建,BEA的Workshop Studio利用其正在申请专利的AppXRay技术,来跟踪和验证应用程序的状态。