...月17 日(六) 18:00~21:00 师范大学 *父母一同出席(或至 少一位参加) 地点将 于活动前以书面方式 另行通知 传承会(Pay-It-Forward) 7 月18 日(日) 14:00~17:00 *届时将寄出邀请函 *顸著正式服装出席 *详细时间及地点将 于活动前以书面方式 另行通知 2010-11 Pre...
以上来源于: WordNet
They will appreciate you more and may inspire them to pay it forward.
When the recipient redeems the gift notice at any Social Vending System machine, he or she can reply with a thank you or pay it forward by gifting a drink to someone else.
It beautifully depicts the benefit of being nice to someone for no personal gain and then encouraging them to "pay it forward" to another party.
If you make three people-- or even better, four people a day feel good and they make-- they pay it forward and make four others feel good, and so on and so on.