... 记忆犹新 to remain fresh in one's memory (idiom) 尖峰记忆体使用量 Peak Memory Usage 仅限已标记的连络人 tagged contacts only ...
... PDL, page-description language / 页面描述语言 Peak Memory Usage / 最大内存使用 pending / 挂起 ...
... memory usage 内存使用量 peak memory usage 最大使用内存量 virtual memory usage虚拟内存使用量 ...
Memory peak usage 内存峰值
For the example code in Listing 1, there would be only one result, however, which is the peak memory usage at that moment.
HWM usage is the high water mark (HWM) or peak memory usage that has been consumed since the activation of the database partition when the db2start command was run.
HWM usage是当db2start命令在运行时,自数据库分区激活以来的最高水位标记(high water mark, HWM)或峰值内存使用量。
The amepat tool should be run at a workload's peak utilization period to ensure that the tool captures the utilization and memory usage at a workload's peak.