...年至 2006 年 ; 检索条件为模糊 , 检索范围为全选 , 检索时间为 2007 年 1 月 22 日 。 [gap=12281]Keywords: peasant - worker; social security; compositive review ...
peasant-worker 农民工
peasant worker 农民工
youth peasant worker 青年农民工
peasant worker flow 农民工流动
the peasant worker 进城务工农民
rural peasant-worker 城市农民工
city peasant worker 城市农民工
peasant worker policy 农民工政策
peasant worker class 农民工阶层
Based on the notion of scientific development, we should build the peasant-worker social security policy’s frame system through our natural value, the level and item of security, the degree of choose.
参考来源 - 基于统筹城乡发展的农民工社会保障政策研究As an ethics’ student, we must concern society and people’s livelihood, consider deeply peasant-worker’s proper rights. Analyzing the reason from system justice and putting forward the problem-solving path are our responsibility which there is no shirking.
参考来源 - 制度公正与农民工国民待遇问题研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
My husband and I wish to become peasant-worker. We will work hard in order to make ourselves and our parents happy.
This thesis tries to analyze the peasant-worker crime by the cultural conflict theory, and find out some resolutions to the seriously social problems.
Urban peasant worker has become a huge special group that can't be ignored day by day.