...工返乡创业问题研究 - - 中国企业家网 关键词 :农民工、返乡创业、主要问题、政策建议 [gap=10761]Key words: Peasant laborers, starting a business by returning to hometown, main problems, policy suggestion..
peasant laborers' children 农民工子女
the peasant laborers 农民工流动儿童
rural peasant-laborers 在乡农民工
Female Peasant Laborers 妇女农民工
urban peasant laborers 城市农民工
urban peasant-laborers 进城农民工
peasant laborers economical 农民工经济
Practice is the basic living way of human beings, and the marriage strategy of the peasant laborers has a close relationship with their life surviving practice and the social background.
参考来源 - 转型期城市农民工的婚姻策略The two key dimensions of returned peasant laborers’entrepreneurship are entrepreneurial attitudes and perception, and entrepreneurial aspiration.
参考来源 - 返乡农民工创业影响因素与创业活动关系研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The wage scissors gap of peasant laborer will impact on social, economic, business and peasant laborers themselves.
Under such a circumstance, the research on the increase of education chances for peasant laborers' children would seem to be of great value.
Owning to their unregistered residence in the place, the majority of the peasant laborers' children have few chances of receiving education.