revolutions per minute 每分钟转速 ; [机] 每分钟转数 ; 每分种转数
counts per minute 每分钟计数 ; 次数 ; 计数 ; 入法测定每分钟计数
Actions Per Minute 作数 ; 每分钟的按键率
gallons per minute 每分钟加仑 ; 加仑分 ; 每分钟加仓数
words per minute 每分钟字数 ; 打字 ; 字数分钟 ; 字
operations per minute 每分钟操作次数 ; 每分钟动作次数 ; 每分运算次数
rotation per minute 车轮转数 ; 转每分 ; 每分钟转速 ; 分钟转速
lines per minute [计] 每分钟行数 ; 每分钟打印行数 ; 每分钟列数 ; 线
pages per minute 页每分钟 ; 每分钟页数 ; 每分钟页面数 ; 页数
This switch controls the number of rotations per minute.
Each tape lasts three minutes and costs 36 cents per minute off-peak and 48 cents at all other times.
In general, songs in the range of 120-140 beats per minute (BPM) are the best.
"You don't have to do all of your exercise in one setting. You could break a 30 minute per day recommendation into three 10 minute bouts of exercise."
VOA: standard.2010.02.26
Even though a hard drive spins at 7200 times per minute or even faster, that's relatively slower than the speed of light.
If he switched from gold to let's say iron, he also tried platinum, a number of different foils, he found that they count rate it still was 20 alpha particles per minute.