...成了出色的表演 » 10 days later we went to school to finish an excellent performance 把魔术表演出来 » Performs the magic 那位衣着将就的职员还不习惯在顾客面前表演 » Staff who will dress in front of customers not used to performing ..
The magician performs the magic 魔术师把魔术表演出来
The major argument against Lombok is that it performs "too much magic."
反对 Lombok 的观点中最主要的是,它表现 “太多的魔术”。
PyProtocols performs all the magic of figuring out which adaptation path to take, behind the scenes.
PyProtocols 会指出要采取的适配路径,所有这些不可思议的过程都在幕后完成。
The as operator in Groovy performs magic.
Groovy中的a s运算符完成的神奇的工作。