... person to person call 定人呼叫; 叫人电话; 指名受话人长途电话 person to person communication 定人通信; 个人间沟通 person to person service 叫人电话业务 ...
人与人在于沟通 » Person to person communication 工作认真,积极上进。性格开朗乐观,有亲和力有活力,和较强的合作意识,善于沟通。
... person to person call 定人呼叫; 叫人电话; 指名受话人长途电话 person to person communication 定人通信; 个人间沟通 person to person service 叫人电话业务 ...
person-to-person communication [通信] 个人通信
Unit Six New Person-to-Person Communication 新人际交流
Where an object person sees a lot of objects creation and communication, a database person sees the opportunity to provide the answer directly.
A: Urban legends are popular stories alleged to be true whichspread from person to person via oral or written communication (e.g., fax or email).
都市传说(Urban Legends,或称都会传奇)是一种由人们口头或文字(如电子邮件或者传真)传播并且声称为真实事件的各种故事。
The second broad category of network use is person-to-person communication, basically the 21st century's answer to the 19th century's telephone.
Video on-demand has to do with the delivery what they call content, while the video phone is the deliver of person-to-person communication. These are not nearly the same, but they both involve video.
every sort of communication, e-mail, person to person,