(2)个人传奇(personal fable): 是个人错误的以为自己的思考内容与方式是与众不 同, 而产生自我中心的现象, 认定自己的想法独一无二或自己有著强大的 5 抗力...
...物体的力量 —抽象思维的结果 假象观众(imaginary audience) 自己是他人注意 的焦点——焦虑、敏感 个人寓言(personal fable)自我重要性、独特的 鲢蛋忑脶删三错啷微缫吐著首袋鬲亿媲添狙群醅关绛颤该微恫臬寮涧怨刭酉降烦汉巍锟送静饮检刊祠退讫乐
以上来源于: WordNet
Methods Imaginary audience scale, Personal fable scale and SE were used to assess a sampling of 400 high school students.
In Fable, decisions made in the first 15 minutes of play (will you side with lawkeepers or cause mischief for personal gain?) change the moral tenor of your home town 15 years later.
寓言中,游戏最初15分钟,你选择站在法律守护者一边,或者因个人所得会受损而反对他。 这样的决定将在15年后,改变你故乡的道德进程。
At present I don't think much about context. Personal interest invariably and directly corresponds to the society and the system. It is a fable or a riddle made up by individuals in a broad context.