... phialtypetemperaturecontroller温包式温度控制器 phial小玻璃瓶 PhilippineCoastGuard菲律宾海岸警卫队 ...
Orange Phial 橙黄小瓶
Brightening Phial 高清亮白淡斑精华素
phial type temperature controller 温包式温度控制器
vial phial 小瓶
Phial tears of very pure 瓶子里的泪很纯洁
thermostat phial 恒温器温包
Phial of Essentia 使用元素精油
N a small bottle for liquids; vial 小玻璃瓶; 小药瓶
He left the room, and returned in five minutes with a phial.
"Oh, that, " said the old man, opening the drawer in the kitchen table, and taking out a tiny, rather dirty-looking phial. "That is just a dollar."
Grunge storage cupboard in hut with corked ink vial, poison phial, dry herb bunch, oil, scattered flour, jam and liqueur in jug with label for title.