下面是笔者见到的一些 主要的关于切音字的定义: (18) 季羡林等 (1988) : “切音字 (phonetic Chinese alphabet) 清末二十年间在民间产生和 推行的各种汉语拼音方案。
phonetic Chinese alphabet 切音字 ; 汉语拼音方案 ; 《汉语拼音方案》 International Phonetic Alphabet 国际音标 ; 国际音标表 ; 国际语音字母 ; 国际音标字母
Chinese phonetic alphabet 汉语拼音 ; 汉语拼音字母 ; 小学拼音教材 ; 中文注音符号
The Chinese Phonetic Alphabet 汉语拼音字母表
Chinese Phonetic Alphabet Orthography 汉语拼音正词法
chinese phonetic alphabet plan 通用拼音方案
Scheme of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet 汉语拼音方案
scheme the Chinese phonetic alphabet 汉语拼音
One shortcut is to use pinyin, a phonetic system used to transliterate Chinese words into the Latin alphabet.
But Denise Sabet, the vice general manager at Labbrand, suggests that the reasons include cultural differences and the Chinese reliance on characters for words, rather than a phonetic alphabet.
但朗标公司的副总经理Denise Sabet解释说:这源于文化差异,汉语是象形文字,而非字母文字;
Chinese languages do not have an alphabet. Instead they have a character for each word, which does not indicate pronunciation (although it sometimes contains a phonetic element).