... 粳稻;;光敏核不育;;皖2304S;;选育;;特征特性 [gap=1551]Keywords: Japonica rice;Photoperiod sensitive genic male sterility;Wan 2304S;Breeding;Characteristics ...
A study on the relationship between jasmonates and rice fertility was conducted in photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterility (PSGMS) rice N5088S.
From 1986 to 1996, we have researched on the heredity and breeding in sterility of photoperiod (thermoperiod) sensitive genic male rice (PSGMR) of Nongken58S, Annong S 1 and so on.
对农垦58S,安农S- 1,衡农S- 1等光温敏核不育系及衍生不育系的雄性不育性进行了遗传与育种学研究。