pick-ups running 加速跑
Truck Bed Mats for Pick-Ups 卡車車垫 ; 卡车车垫
Please help arrangements pick-ups 请帮忙安排接
pick-ups s 采样器
sound pick-ups 拾音器
Airport Pick Ups 机场接送
Phonograph Pick-Ups 发送器C传感器
pick-ups and deliveries 同时收发问题
Test with Repeated Pick-ups 频繁启动试验
同义词: pickup pickup truck
同义词: pickup
同义词: pickup pick-me-up
同义词: pickup
同义词: tone arm pickup pickup arm
同义词: pickup
同义词: pickup
同义词: pick up
同义词: pick up
同义词: learn hear get word get wind pick up find out get a line discover see
同义词: pick up
同义词: pick up
同义词: pick up
同义词: pick up
同义词: elate lift up uplift pick up intoxicate
同义词: turn around pick up
以上来源于: WordNet
N the light balanced arm of a record player that carries the wires from the cartridge to the preamplifier 拾声器臂 (Also called pick-up arm, tone arm)
ADJ organized, arranged, or assembled hastily and without planning 匆促组织、安排的 [美国英语]
a pick-up band
pick-up games
V to gather up in the hand or hands 拾起
The longer nitriding time, the more amount nitrogen pick-ups.
Other potential pick-ups include Hawaii, Minnesota and Connecticut.
In pick-ups, we want to emphasize the pick-up because it's a conscious decision and action.