... piezoelectric crystal 压电常数 piezoelectric effect 压电晶体 piezoelectric laser modulation 压电现像,压电学 ...
... 声衍射(声绕射 )(Sound diffraction (acoustic diffraction)) 正压电效应(Piezoelectric effect) 逆压电效应(Inverse piezoelectric effect) ...
inverse piezoelectric effect 逆压电效应 ; [物] 反压电效应 ; 光电逆效应 ; 逆向峰值电压
direct piezoelectric effect 正压电效应
Converse Piezoelectric Effect 逆压电效应 ; 反压电效应 ; 压电效应
secondary piezoelectric effect 二次圧电 ; 二级压电效应
longitudinal piezoelectric effect [物] 纵向压电效应
reciprocal piezoelectric effect 反压电效应
transverse piezoelectric effect [物] 横向压电效应
primary piezoelectric effect 一次圧电効果
N the production of electricity or electric polarity by applying a mechanical stress to certain crystals 压电
N the converse effect in which stress is produced in a crystal as a result of an applied potential difference 压电效应
The wires produce electricity when under mechanical stress, called the piezoelectric effect.
Wang and others have amplified the piezoelectric effect by making materials structured at the nanoscale.
A micromachined accelerometer with piezoelectric thin film based on the piezoelectric effect is studied.