...不同,其中单位重量土壤真菌数量 (cfu/g)多少顺序为:栓皮栎林(Quercus variabilis forest)>马尾松林( Pinus massoniana forest)>马尾松-栓皮栎混交林( Pinus massoniana-Quercus variabilis forest)>杉木林( Cunninghamia lanceolata forest),细菌数量顺序...
...该区域防护林景观中,以松柏混交林(Mixed Alnus—Cupressus forest)面积最大,占27.37%,其次是马尾松纯林(Pinus massoniana forest),占 隐藏>>
open pinus massoniana forest 马尾松疏林
secondary Pinus massoniana forest 马尾松天然次生林
artificial Pinus massoniana forest 人工马尾松林
Pinus massoniana natural forest 马尾松天然林
Pinus massoniana secondary forest 马尾松次生林
Pinus massoniana natural secondary forest 马尾松天然次生林
The Pinus massoniana forest is one of the most important timber resources in Fujian Province.
参考来源 - 武夷山风景区马尾松林节肢动物多样性研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This paper reports the results of investigation on Bryophyta Communities in Pinus massoniana forest in Ma'an Mountain Forest Park of Wuhan City.
The methods of collecting resin with Rich resin panacea(RRP) and without RRP( normal way ) were used in the resin collecting experiment of Pinus massoniana Lamb, in Paiyangshan forest farm, Guangxi.
The observation method of fixed position was used to study the characteristics of ecological environment in closing process of engineering young forest of Pinus massoniana Lamb from 1991 to 1996.