多时相遥感影像监测冬小麦种植面积的变化研究——以河北省三河市与大厂回族自治县为例 关键词 卫星遥感 冬小麦 种植面积 归一化差值植被指数 [gap=902]Key words Satellite remote sensing,Winter wheat,Planting area,NDVI
... 造林密度 density of plantation; 造林面积 afforestation area; afforested area; planting area; 造林区划 planting series; ...
reserving rate of planting area 造林面积保存率
Rice planting area 水稻种植面积
corn planting area 玉米种植面积
crop planting area 农作物种植面积
cane-planting area 甘蔗种植区
Rice-planting area 水稻面积
Here, the wildflowers are grown in a planting area at the back of the building before being brought inside for use.
Sichuan's planting area accounts for 6.1 percent of the country's, while its grain output accounts for 6 percent of China's.
Loosen the soil in the entire planting area with a claw, border fork or hand trowel until it is smooth and light-almost fluffy.