乐高玩具加盟LEGO它来自于丹麦语Leg-Godt, 意思是玩得好,在拉丁语里,意思是搭建与堆砌,乐高用play on(一直玩)作为品牌的自我表述,与LEGOplay well的品牌含义一脉相承。.
play on words 说俏皮话 ; 语言游戏 ; 用双关语
Play on a playground 去操场玩 ; 到操场上玩
play on the see-saw 翘翘板 ; 玩跷跷板
play on the computer 玩电脑 ; 在电脑上玩
play on the swing 在秋千上玩 ; 荡秋千 ; 秋千上玩 ; 在秋千上播放
a play on words 双关语 ; 诙谐的双关语
play on the street 在街上玩 ; 在马路上玩 ; 在街上玩耍
PHRASAL VERB If you play on someone's fears, weaknesses, or faults, you deliberately use them in order to persuade that person to do something, or to achieve what you want. 有意利用 (别人的恐惧、弱点或过错)
...a campaign which plays on the population's fear of change.